eva ugolini

My deep love and dedication for yoga have their roots in my Ayurvedic studies when, almost 20 years ago, I started to immerse myself into the understanding of the Indian traditional medicine and its way to look at the human being from a broader perspective, and since then both disciplines are part of my daily life. Embracing fully these two sister sciences naturally brought me to a big choice: leaving behind what was not longer fulfilling my purpose and give myself a new fresh start. This is when I moved to Amsterdam where, for the last 11 years, I had the opportunity to immerse my self into my practice and studies, to start teaching and sharing my love for this so unique practice and to hold a daily Mysore Program at the prestigious school Delight Yoga.

During those years of steady practice and teaching I had the privilege to meet many great teachers, to practice in the old Shala in Mysore with Sharath Jois and, in particular, to learn from David Swenson, who had a great impact on my way of connecting to the practice and embracing it on a deeper level. From Lino Miele, who had greatly influenced my practice and teaching particularly in the areas of breath awareness, the empathy and mutual trust between teacher and student created in the Mysore room. From Petri Raisanen, who has a great role in bringing to my practice and teaching the elements of contemplation, inner quiet, safe and caring touch, and a broader view towards the Ashtanga Yoga practice and its evolution over the past decades. And from Eddie Stern, who is nowadays my main guide, and has opened a big window into how I can experience my practice and teaching on more subtle levels and as a tool of expansion of my awareness in all aspects of my life and my being. 

The practice is a ritual for me, a source of steadiness within, a sacred time to commune daily with my body, my breath, my inner sense of self and to maintain inner quiet. It is my main tool to get to understand who I am, what I am doing here and what is my purpose in life. 

Today I very happily teach between Amsterdam and Rome, as a way to share my love, joy and dedication for this practice which can enrich our lives with extraordinary vitality and creativity on all levels.

contact me at: eva.ashtangayogalab@gmail.com - +39 375 7449497